Anthracnose is a very common disease that attacks a very wide range of plants and trees. There are two ways Anthracnose disease can attack trees: 1) Spot Anthracnose that effects tree leaves and blossoms, and; 2) the more harmful canker versions that disrupt a tree’s vascular system.

When Spot Anthracnose initially emerges, small light brown spots of dead tissue appear on the leaves and blossoms in the late spring and summer.  The spots begin development during the cool, wet, humid spring weather.   More often the brown dieback is located along the leaf’s vein system.

The disease is caused by a fungus that over-winters on the bark of the tree or on fallen leaves.  In the spring, the fungus is spread by rain and wind, which transports the fungus to newly developing healthy leaves and blossoms.  When the tree is severely infected over several seasons the fungus will infect and kill branches.

Timely diagnosis by one of our Certified Arborists is essential in the treatment of this disease.